Fitness Competition
September 29, 2024
Minimum Age: 50
8:45am Event Kickoff
9:00 – 11:00am Competitions
11:15 – 11:45am Medals Awarded
Fitness Competition
September 29, 2024
Minimum Age: 50
8:45am Event Kickoff
9:00 – 11:00am Competitions
11:15 – 11:45am Medals Awarded
Fitness Quest 10
9972 Scripps Ranch Blvd.
San Diego, CA 92131
Commissioner: Stan Williams
Registration Fee: $45
Sport Fee: $20
Note: The Fitness Competition does not qualify athletes for any of the 2025 National Senior Games sports.
RESULTS 2024 2024-Fitness-Results-Finalpdf.pdf (305 downloads )
Corrected address master-fitness-2024_flyer_updated.pdf (414 downloads )
Incorrect address:
master-fitness-2024_flyer.pdf (744 downloads )
Hosted for the 5th year by Fitness Quest 10
9922 Scripps Ranch Blvd San Diego 92131
In Association with the California Senior Games
9 AM – 11AM September 29, 2024
For Competition questions contact Fitness Commissioner Stan Williams or 408-799-3852
Hosted for the 5th year by Fitness Quest 10 (9922 Scripps Ranch Blvd San Diego 92131) in Association with the California Senior Games
Sunday, September 29, 9AM-11AM Competition (all age groups & events)
Medals awarded in each age division, by gender, for each event.
For more information on registration deadlines and cost:
For questions about the Competition: contact Fitness Commissioner Stan Williams or 408-799-3852
Q: Are the ten events the same as were in the 2023 Fitness Competition?
A: YES. NO CHANGES. The 2024 Fitness Competition will include all of the fitness events as the competition in 2023: kettlebell box squat, barbell bench press, keg toss, 300 yard shuttle run, Concept 2 rower, Jump rope, prowler push, med ball slams, broad jump, and overhand straight arm hang. [See EVENT DESCRIPTIONS)
Q: What are the age brackets for the competition? For both men and women, the brackets are 50-54; 55-59; 60-64; 65-69; 70-74; 75-79; 80-84, 85-89, 90-94, 95-99.
Q: What should be considered in choosing the events to compete in? Must I do all?
A: No. Choose those that you know you can execute safely with proper form and may also be competitive in. At the Competition, FQ trainers will explain/demo technique, supervise each event for proper form, and document each contestant’s outcomes (eg # of reps, distance, time, appropriate metric) for each event.
Q: May I do the events in any order? Yes. But plan strategically. No event may be started once the closing bell is rung at 11 AM.
Q: How will the events be set up?
Six of the ten events will be held on the outside of the gym facility. Bench press, med ball slams, broad jump, and kettle bell box squats are planned for inside the gym and will allow for contestant distancing and plenty of air circulation. Multiple hand sanitizing stations will be available inside and out. Each event will be supervised by a Fitness Quest10 certified trainer who will remind each contestant of the event rules and proper form, and document results.
Q: Will there be awards for most fitness events won overall?
A: No. Medals will be given for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners by gender, age bracket, and event.
Q: For the jump rope event: Can contestants keep jumping up to the one-minute mark even if they miss a couple of rotations? Will all clear rotations during the one-minute be counted? A: Yes, and yes.
Q: May contestants bring their own jump ropes or does every contestant need to use the ones at the gym? A: No. Every contestant must use the jump ropes at Fitness Quest 10.
Q: May contestants wear gloves or wrap their hands for any events? A: No
Q: Are leg braces/sleeves to support knee injuries/instability allowed? A: Yes
Are wrist wraps to allowed? A: Yes, but gloves and hand wraps are not allowed.
Q: Is there a time limit on barbell bench press or on box squats? No, but contestants can’t take more than a couple of seconds to catch their breath during repetitions. No pausing to rest.
Q: On the box squat may contestants relax their hand position to extend their arms momentarily, and then continue? No, contestants may pause a few seconds to catch their breath during repetitions, but no pausing to rest and no extension of their arms upwards or downwards to rest.
Q: How many contestants participated in the 2023 Fitness Competition? A: For last year’s 2023 Competition we had 94 individuals register to compete in some or in all of the ten fitness events. A little over half (60%) were from the city of San Diego, including many FQ10 members and clients, with 40% from 25 other California cities and 1 from out of state.
Q: Does this SDSG Competition Event qualify for any national senior games Fitness Competition? No. This is event is only for the San Diego and California Senior Games State Championships. It is not a qualifier for the National Senior Games because Fitness is not yet a sport the NSGA endorses.
Q: Where can I find the events results from 2023? On the SDSG Fitness page.
Q: Where can I find a video demonstration of the ten events? On the SDSG Fitness page.
2023 Results PDF download 2023 Fitness Results (5324 downloads )
2022 Results PDF download 2022 Fitness Results (5506 downloads )
2021 Results PDF download CA-Senior-State-Championship-results-2021-Fitness.pdf (3807 downloads )